So i found you
found the way all through..

Friday, December 05, 2008

What's the point in sitting and blogging something at the comfort of your room and shooting your mouth off?

Whatever that happened in Mumbai and whatever else is happening all around, it didn't need to happen. I did not blog about it, because I'm way too lazy to go out there and do anything at all, and neither will I blog.

Who in the fuck's sake, they think they are, they have no right to sit and blog, join ten thousand communities, and protest. Well, listen to this, your voices go unheard anyway, it doesn't make a differennce to what you say, as long as you don't go out there and help. Think different you stupid pimpy freaks.

Absolutely bullshit, I'm way too ticked off to say anything more. Jesus, for the sake of humanity, and for the sake of your own sanity. SHUT THE FUCK UP.

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