So i found you
found the way all through..

Saturday, March 19, 2005

The years teach what the days never know


What makes a person beautiful? I often wonder this ... but it's not always so easy to define. Is it how they dress and cut their hair; or is it something ethereal and unseen, like an inner self-confidence that exudes from them? Sadly, some people don't know they are beautiful ... even when it is obvious to everyone else. If only they could truly find beauty within themselves, they might also find ways of projecting their love to others in the process.

Beauty has been defined a number of ways. Maybe beauty is having a character flaw - a flaw that others see as a precious addition to your personality. Perhaps beauty is something attainable apart from perfection; making it thus, the most marvelous of imperfections. Or is beauty simply a smile - and by smiling, we all become more beautiful. To seek beauty without understanding its true character is often an unsuccessful endeavor.

Ironically, some of the most outwardly beautiful people I have met, have had no inner beauty whatsoever. When someone is beautiful on the inside, it overshadows the physical flaws. Beauty is mysterious - an ideal, seemingly unattainable. Many people strive for it, unaware perhaps, that beauty is relative; it exists only as others perceive it. It is truly in the eye of the beholder. Emit beauty from within and all the more will drawn unto you ... ageless and limitless.

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