So i found you
found the way all through..

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Sometimes it's just too hard to get up. She's going for the second try.

Until things move along on Monday I have little to say.
I mean, I have a crapton to say but ... yeah.

I have been feeling extra blah these last few weeks. Detached. Empty. Maybe its been the lack of sleep (which I tried to remedy with a nap today afternoon), my poor eating habits (only one meal yesterday), the pain in my arm (literally), or that I haven't been to the gym in 2 weeks. I'm sure I'm over giving blood by now so I doubt that's the issue.

Blah isn't so bad, it just zaps my motivation to do anything - continuing the sense of Blah. I am going over to friends tonight to watch the last part of Lord of the rings, i AM going to the gym tomorrow morning, and lots is on. Hopefully one of these things will help shake the sensation (or rather lack of).

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