So i found you
found the way all through..

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Tired again. Weary. I'm so dry for ideas. When will I get one? That idea. The idea. Words written. Words to write. Much to do. Much needed to be done. When will it be done? I'm tired of myself. I cannot lie. I will not lie. The words flow more freely now. Natural. Unplanned. A vision. An idea. Where does it come from? Men in a control room? Forget what they said. Forget what they do. Life begins and ends with only you.

Ignore sound. Ignore fate. You are fate. Your words are fate. Your dreams are fate. Your stories are fate. You are fate. Forget the time, the day. This is fate. Her sweet hands will once again be yours. No. They won't. Don't let yourself lie to you. Move past. Move on. Move forward. There's no other way to move. Psychology. Chemistry. Biology. History. Our story. You'll get it soon. You'll get it sometime. I can't stop. I don't want to stop. I'm afraid to stop.

Inspire me. Inspire. let's inspire. Dreams. Fantasies. Stories. It's you. It's fate. You're fate. We're fate. We're life. Life is long, unplanned. This is unplanned. There is no control. There is no order. It is all chaos. Unknown chaos. Figure it out. You'll find yourself figuring it out soon. Try not to worry too much. It stops your idea. It stops your thought. It stops the train. Worry stops it all. Don't let yourself worry. Prophecy. Prophets. I wonder where it comes from. If it's natural like this. If it just flows out of them, no thought before, no thought after. Just a natural chain of occurances (sp?) to predict the future.

To know the future. Would you keep it? The future. Would you want it? Maybe there is no such thing as future. Tomorrow always becomes today, so in reality, today is tomorrow. The future is the present, the present is the future. The past is the future. The future is the past. It's a big chain, and circle, a never ending thought process. It's a dream. It's a fantasy. It's unknown. Maybe that's the way it should stay. Who wants to really know? Who needs to know? Live. Be fate. Take control in the chaos. Plan to not plan. Spontaneous. Combust (sp?).

Fear is fire to keep you away. Fire is drive to move forward. Which is it? What is this ambiguity of life?

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