So i found you
found the way all through..

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Who could call my name without regretting,
Who could promise to never destroy me.

Of course, it is going to end. Of course, it's three and a half.
It always stops at two and a half, three and a half, five and then seven.

I feel it. I know you won't leave, but I know this too, I will drive you away, unknowingly, I don't even like talking to you anymore, knowing fully well, how much you dislike me, already. You said I lied, assuming, I did, I'd just say, I did not lie at the expense of anyone, I never do that.

You say, I know that you know, that I feel you don't care for me enough.
Yes, I've ALWAYS felt that.
You say, that's for me to know, and you to show.

But when have you showed it, really ? I have never felt you love or care for me, not one bit. What's the point in me knowing it, when I've never felt it, at all. The only time I actually felt something, was the time, there wasn't love, there was something else.

Help me get over this. Don't just say that you are there for me, I know damn right you are there, I need you to drag me out of it, drag me out of my personal hell. Can you ?

You say, I'm being extremely mean, perhaps I am, but I am not aware of that, talk to me, point it out.
You say, I've changed, but I have not. I care for you all the same, and I am never mean to you, I'd die than be mean to you. If I have changed, show me two things, and in turn, I will show seven more and prove you wrong.

You say, I need to take time off. Maybe, I need to. Perhaps.
So, I'm off for a while. You'll know where to find me, you always do.

You are the only person, I've met in this life, who feels a lot like me. Yet, I wish, we had talked. I wish you had let me talk, and not hang up the phone. I wish, you were there when I had cried and not said, 'Oh please, don't start crying, now.'

I miss your mails. You should write to me, sometimes. Maybe ?

I really need to go.

And you don't know everything. How I wish.

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