So i found you
found the way all through..

Saturday, May 10, 2008

You see, they always remember

Ah, shit.
Yet another epiphany.
[oh yes, please note the sarcasm]

Feelings-wise, aren't we supposed to feel something, say something, when something happens to someone?
Or is everyone like me in this respect?
Someone could tell me that their friend died and I'd just sit there, look at them, blink a couple times, saying 'oh, I'm sorry' and go straight back to my work.
Aren't you supposed to feel more than that??

I feel completely, detached from my feelings.
Like my emotions and my body are two separate things.
People can show emotion towards me and my mind won't even pay attention.
It'll just go anywhere. And I don't feel bad for ruining a moment.

Pretty. Odd.


Bone said...

and better than anything else, isn't it? (funny, i was writing about something very similar inmy diary the other day. we're just growing up i suppose. a partof childhood and those feelings die in the process, right?)

Living On Video said...
