So i found you
found the way all through..

Sunday, October 31, 2010




I'M JUST SO ........

*GRABS FOR THE PHONE TO CALL SOMEBODY* realization *there is nobody* :(




Phew ?


Two months.
I want to give her something, she really liked, but she doesn't remember, now.

Forty seven comments on that one picture and we couldn't stop laughing, I agree I was just woken up with a phone call, which was extremely rude, but yes SIP is another story, another world all together.

I liked today's dinner, it was simple. SO, I got a 12.5k, Shoppers Stop gift voucher, wtf. :X :X What am I going to do with that ? :X :X No, I don't want gift voucher. :X I want a phone, and I'm pissed off.

Moreover, Debb is leaving for Delhi/Amritsar tomorrow, and she won't be back till 8th. We came to the conclusion that her boyfriend is a mama's boy, but the good thing is, she is going to stay with him and his family. :D

We went to Mochi yesterday, to buy shoes. :|

And, on a differnt note, this friend is diplomatic, it almost brings me to tears, I know why he is doing it, he knows why he is doing it, he's told me every god damn thing when we met, yet I can't spit out a thing, it's sad and funny, but extremely sad. But, it's not my thing to look out, as long as it brings a smile to someone else's face. He is the kind, who likes to see everyone smiling and likes to do anything to help, I just hope the person in question, not the friend, but someone else, doesn't get hurt, AGAIN. God bless.

One more hour to go jogging. What do I do now ? Wiki time ? :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Can I demand some nice food in Halloween ? Treat ? Heh.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy endings.
Frost Nixon.
Pour elle.
Forever, strong.
The virgin suicides.
I love you, Phillip Morris.
Chungking express.
I've found this somewhere..

Have you ever considered that one of your friends were to leave you, right now ? You never hear their voice or smell their scent or feel their touch ever again. They are gone forever. When you loose someone you change. Whether you know it or not, removing that person from your life removes their personal attributes that you have adapted into your own personality.

You forget. - I don't want to, ever. But, I do, too soon. I guess, I'm blessed ? Helps me to move on, but very slowly.

Burning Bridges..

Drift. I heard someone say long back, a stranger, 'Coincidences don't happen, connections do.' It used to be my status message, also. :D

A lot changed in two weeks, I don't do the things, I used to. I rarely talk, and laughter ? It's never been my emotion, I like laughing with people, I hit off instantly, like a house on fire. It's been so long, since I have met someone like that.

My TL blamed Debb the other day for 'corrupting me,' he said to her, when I first came to his team, I was really quiet, and now I don't listen to him or anyone anymore. Poor fella, I say, the stuff I get to blackmail him for. :(

And, I think she has a hand fetish, I won't know till I ask.

Nobody cares about me, this I know, but the fact that YOU don't, makes me lonely. Damn lonely. We didn't have to get this close, it wasn't necessary, it is all my fault. I don't know what I was looking for, but whatever it was, I definitely never seemed to achieve that. So what, if I liked a couple of girls, and loved you ? So what ? Nothing. All, I ever needed was, not commitment, not money, not gifts, just some emotional help, and I got burned over and over again.


Friday, October 29, 2010


Oh Jesus, I am so kicked about this. I've already checked out trains, timings, days they run, what time to board and get off, how many stations in between, the fare for the sleeper class and the AC (travel in December) it's going to freeze ! Do, we really need AC, do I really need AC, I will die there and never get to see Katatonia Live in Bombay on the 21st December'10.

Yes, that is exactly the reason why I, we, are are going to travel to Bombay on the 19th of December (board the train, that is)
Date- 19th December'10
Time to board- 22:55pm (Day 1)
We get off on Day 3 (the day itself) early morning at 5:45 (if the train is not running late).
Concert day- 21st December.
Board to be back- I think, I will have to fly back (need to consult, another K lover)

..and Seal keeps saying 'Lol' every time I say 'Thank you,' because I've never thanked her, ever. Sounds so weird. :|

Thursday, October 28, 2010

So much I want to ask you
you have no time to let me do so
there is no light in my pathway
you must tell me where to go.

I got the best agent of the Quarter. :) :) Yay !!
Kickeddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd !!

Today is going to be boring, very boring. But, I will survive and on Saturday, when I get the $1000, then I shall show off.
$500 coupon and $500 cash. :P Some achievement, I have there.

My manager caught me today morning, and asked me what my interests were, at first I did not get him, then he asked me, why on Earth would I want to spend 13 hours at work, when Sand and Souvik weren't there, I just told him, things have changed, and then came my above surprise.

I can't wait to get to office, and log in to SIP tonight, it sucks, but I would have to make do with it, today. Why am I not given too many options ? :|

I miss you, Debb.

I have a thing for double letters in the end, but just some, 'P' definitely, like 'Yepp.' Not 'H' not Zilchh. ;)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

RIP. Mrs. Mukherjee.

My favorite English teacher is no more. :'( :'(

I can NEVER forget her reading Shakespeare aloud to us or even Pride n Prejudice for that matter.

Thank you for everything. :)

I wish for you not to weep, nor cry a tear for I am fast asleep, I have gone to a different plane- A little different, but yet the same.It seems of something I have dreamed before- I can finally see ,I'm walking through the door.It is the sweetest there ever could be, please dry your eyes and be happy for me!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I bought such a lovely gift for D's belated, on the other hand I'm glad that Sand is just beginning to talk/get along with D, and Kundu treats D exactly the way, he would treat Resh. :) Super happy.

Amar kaan bondho hoye gechey, now that makes me realize, onek onek din por, kaan bondho holo. :( :(
And, now I am officially broke.

This Thursday even though, it's going to be a bit boring, I will have to be very careful. Thursday and Saturday. :)

Off to D's belated party.
Why do two people I like most, stay in North Calcutta ? Jesus, why ?!!!! :|

I don't mean to boast (I already am), I love the way my hair is growing. :)
Ever thought of reaching out ?

Monday, October 25, 2010

Shit, this is so NOT done.
Bitching about me to MY friends ?? :O :O

My dear "friend." *nods head*

Chocolate overdose :)

So, we went out for an hour over to Oven Fresh for Brunch and then to Affaires Chocolate for something sweet, and were having a good time, bumped into some old people, Godddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd, I hate being superficial and having to do small talk and I don't even have the ability to walk out also. :|

This started with a trip to South City yesterday, been bumping into people, I'm not really interested in. :| :|

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Super Sunday :)

It's a beautiful day
Don't let it get away
It's a beautiful day

Touch me
Take me to that other place
Teach me
I know I'm not a hopeless case.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Insensitive people. :|

Dhur, every time I want to sleep, someone or the other is at the door, I'm sick stoned, and all I want to do is just sleep, but these people do not understand. Why can't my dear mother be at home, when I need her to open the door for "people."

Argh. Ghum paachey, and what a lovely weather here, I want to go up to the chaad, smoke up, come back and crash.
And, I'm craving Jägerbomb (Turbojäger) like NOW, maybe in the evening, maybe, if I am not too sleepy.

And Maggie isn't a bad singer after all, I'm impressed, again.

I know I have lost it and that my Chaablemo's become a bit of a problem, but just lookey.

Friday, October 22, 2010

I had Keema and luchhi for dinner. :P Yum.

Reading someone's status just reminded me, where the hell is the Royal Air Mail gaaaaari ? :X :X :X :X :X :X :X :X :X :X :X :X :X Getting too much, mahn.
Was so stoned in the morning, but Brunch at the French loaf was good. :)
Caught up on Bangalore times. :D

Winter's almost here, not really, but that, and I am beginning to have good hair days once again. :D Super happpppppppppppppppppppppy.

It's Lakhsmi pujo. And I just had Shinnni. But, I hate raisins, that way I can ever tolerate Apples, but Raisin ? No bloody way.

And after everything, now the "Approach" matters, and of course my mood, whenever that is going to happen.

Ghum peye gelo.
Apparently I was spotted on the road, the moment, I was about to doze off, the phone rang, now I hate phone calls because my phone is really screwed.

Him: Dude, I saw you.
Me: Okay okay yeah, where but ? (I still don't know who it is, and I hate to admit that)
Him: With your girl, photoshooting.
Me: What ? Oh oh oh, she is an old friend. :| But who are you ? (finally, the courage)
Him: You don't recognize me, because we have not spoken in two years ?
Me: Name. (And my classic line, follows) Why didn't you come up and talk ?
Him: You were crossing the road, and I can't hear you well.
Me: Okay, you are... Mr... ?
Him: .....
Me: :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O *speechless*
Him: Hehheheh, you have lost some weight.
Me: Some, sure.
Him: What're you doing tomorrow ?
Me: Nothing, I guess, you tell me
Him: Hehehehhehe, should we meet up ?
Me: You are on. :P

Yay !! It's my favorite day. :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ah well, so we did land up in Xrong place, I loved the setup and the fact that they actually have a smoking booth inside the place, I entered and they were playing shitty hindi tracks, ordered for Coffee Cabana, they did not have 'milk,' wtf dude. :| So settled for Carlsberg and she had Bacardi white rum and soda, the best part of it was the endless refills of chips/cheesling, we did not need to ask, and then the music happened, they played Travis, Coldplay, Train, Matchbox20, Potf (what else did I need ?)Autograph was not bad, but they stretched the end, and I was disappointed by the ending, too many panpanani songs, all good. :)

It's weird how the beginning of the month passesby by shopping online, midmonth or the end, goes pub/restaurant hopping. My life.

We have decided next month, one pair of Green Converse for her, red for me and Micromax X600, touch screen. :P
she doesn't look like the way she did four years back (who does?), even though her "good looks" never appealed to the type I liked.

And there's this picture, which I absolutely love, and she holds her smoke just like Rich did, and she even has a ring. :P

She's let go of her self completely, at least the way it seems in the photographs.

I want to dedicate a song to this stranger... but that I shall keep for later.

And, I feel like watching Wicker Park once again, after I watched Lisa.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Lisa. That name and that face.
I am so at peace now. Took me ages, I've had the best sleep, ever.

Last night's phone conversation and revealations.

Her: Trinuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Me: Hi, you changed your number ?
(after a lot of catching up)
Her: So, you did bitch after all ?
Me: Who, me ? Bitch, about you ? Haha, sure. What did you hear ? Boy, you know I am the king of tact, you knew it.
Her: Stuff.
Her again: I've checked your friend's list, how do you know her ? :O
Me: Well, I know her though someone, and it was just by accident. ;)

And a very useful lesson I learned last evening, never to mix your friends. Never. My friends from the past always maintainted that, and it used to irritate the hell out of me, but it was good that way. I messed it up every way possible, but not anymore, since this world is getting smaller everyday, I am not going to be the one mixing friends, enough, and getting the blame later. :P

Everything fades away, come turning of the tide.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pech.. Pech.. Pechoooooooooooooo. :| :|

Pecho's gone officially overboard with her cousin's, after watching 'Happy endings' last night, all she can do is just trip on Billy Joel's voice and ask the cute chink DJ at the pub to keep playing his numbers.

Last night was wild, mixed drinks made me go SO wild, Mexican wine and then Tequilla, what a deadly combination !! Even though I hate Rumballs, all I seem to be having is that, and the best part is the English breakfast. Chom chom chom. :P

And, I'm still upset with Jim, he says we need to wait for another week.
I've checked out this sexy Micromax touch screen phone, within my budget, so I shall be buying that, I have stopped receiving calls the phone is no good at all anymore, it fell from my hands last night, again. :( :(

Everyone seem to be talking about Autograph, I want to watch it, but... :( :( Maybe, when I return.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Much love to everyone. :) :) :)

Off for a while now.

I hope to see the tee reach it's destination when I am back, that reminds me, I must mail Jim before I leave.

And world is such a small place once again, Jesus.
And marriage in Jan ? Great. :D :D
I'm happy, but I do not care, too bad. *shrugs*

The haunting in Connecticut.
Jennifer's body.
Sunshine cleaning.
Harry Brown.
Le fille sur le pont.
Der untergang.
The ghost writer.

And, it's Shondeeeeeeep's birthday today. :P

With being so accident prone since Shashti, hope I fall from a hill and just die, instantly, in a very weird mood today, always like this when I leave this town, and when it's time to be back, I'd detest that, too.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Why are the comments hidden ? WTF. :X

Dublin was killing last night. :| Sloshed out of my mind. Mother is very angry, been hardly at home and with the bonus in the account, a trip to the chink land is going to be so much of fun, at 13:40 hours tomorrow.

Seven people I barely know, see them everyday but this is different. And whenever I am with him, I always feel one good turn deserves another. :)

Got back in touch with ORC at Dublin last night after 9 years ? And bumped into ASR after '97, fark. Whatjoy !! :P

And my mother is not aware of the trip, she thinks I am going to spend days at a friend's, thankgod, Chink land won't cost me extra money on phone calls, all local call. :D

Off to Cal Club.
Her: You are disoriented
Me: Deranged, you mean ?
Her: No, I said whatever I had to.
Me: Gah, there you go again.

And then, A near death experience and a very happy blurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Yesterday, I realized, I am the sort who just cares about her own need. The fortunate ones can go to hell or stay here.

Fuck the free world.

Friday, October 15, 2010


I hope you are enjoying as much I did, in that city. :)
You will never ever know about this, RP.
Five bikes and a swift.

Whattanevening/night. Wow. Learned to ride, fell off on the road giggling, dhaba food. Stoned, blurry images, hangover. Burns. Spicy chicken pizza, ice cream, Kolaghat. Lassi. Truffle. Smelly lorry, the glares, stupid Punjabi songs. I'm never going to forget last night.

Spin, spin. Drunk. Hands. Douglas Adams. :| Hitchhikers. Dent. Speed. Pillow fights, Gel. The color Blue.

It's funny, how you connect and then you disconnect.
:| Is that what Mr. Adams say ?
You are incorrigible, goodbye.
Yeah, Goodnight.

And I say to myself, now I know why I am back in my old team. Mr. Kaushik Ghosh, had to do this to me, unknowingly. :| :|
I miss you RP, you were really my lucky charm, where everybody's performance went down, you made me see things, and made me a topper, for once in my life.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ooooooh !! :)

For all the times you were there and not.

It's not the shadows by the red lights,
that makes my skin crawl at night,
it's your quiet heart and your silence..
Rushed out of San's place, :( almost stood up a friend from work.
Went to South City Coffee World, and D was there, munching something and reading a book, Life Begins at Five Hundred and Fifty by Mr. Adams, I made a face.

She looked up, almost looked through me, and was about to say something very rude, but all she said was, you are very late, I started to make excuses, when she asked me what I was about to order, I didn't know what was on the menu, after ten minutes, I decided on, Waffles and Brownie coffee Frappe (Argh, why can't I try something new for a change ?), and she settled for, I don't remember, I only remember the Cappuccino (sp ?) and some apple muffin or something. Yikes, another Apple lover. What's wrong with the world ?

We hung out, outside the mall for a bit, and now I am home, need to crash, busy evening, work and other things too.

And I am beginning to fall for Clefts again. Sigh.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Arriveth !!

It just saddens me to think, how alone I was last year in Pujo. Not even a soul not one, not even mom was there by my side, and I was in the hearts of too people who kept thinking about me. *rolls eye* But, the good thing is, time flies.
And, I won't let that get me down, no more nostalgia for me anymore, weird most things I can not feel anymore. I have to grow and keep moving. Super bowl and some Chink food (Chinese) will cheer me up in a bit, hopefully.

And, the Zippo arrived today.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

They say, if only looks could kill, but looks do take your breath away, isn't it all the same ?


Monday, October 11, 2010

Macaroni with keema, my childhood (boarding days) favorite dish, washed it down with JC. :D Yum. Now off to bed, goodnight.
There is nothing that really lasts. And I am no exception in here, either.

Her: r u in touch wid him?
7:32 AM i was watchin parts of 3 idiots
me: touch maaney, i texted him on his Birthday
Her: saw AI
n thot of him
me: ah :)
Her: oh ok
me: yes, i do think of him, now and then
Her: i hvnt in real long
jus saw it
n yea
7:33 AM sei
koto lok chilo
me: hmm
Her: ekhon they r nt even in d fringes of life
me: seriously man
koto lok, just koto lok
Her: yeas
me: so true
Her: RD
me: hahaha
Her: aar ke jano
me: seriously
Her: hajar hajar lok
7:34 AM me: sotti, jader naam'o money neiu
Her: yea
i am havin trouble recollecting
me: and aaro thakbey naa, joto din jaabey
i guess, it happens this way only
Her: ya
jus few ppl stay
like u
me: seriously, now that you mention, even i cannot recollect
Her: BP
me: yepp
7:35 AM Her: sei
SS like once a yr, same with RP
7:37 AM me: yes
Her: sei

And of course, my cousin gave me a logical explanation of everything on Saturday, after he came over, now I know what went wrong, how and even why.

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Damn, I am tripping on Aas pass khuda.

Weekend for me this time around, was happening. Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Oh, technically Green/Orange on Black is supposed to be MY color, even though I don't wear 'em.

Friday, October 08, 2010

..That's me in the corner
That's me in the spotlight, I'm
Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you
And I don't know if I can do it
Oh no, I've said too much
I haven't said enough
I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try

Every whisper
Of every waking hour I'm
Choosing my confessions
Trying to keep an eye on you
Like a hurt lost and blinded fool, fool
Oh no, I've said too much
I set it up
Consider this
Consider this
The hint of the century
Consider this
The slip that brought me
To my knees failed..
- I love Chipsie

Dear God, why did I not know that GAP had an Indian online shopping store ? :|

And online shopping is SO fucking addictive. :P

Oh, and I really want those 'Down puffer jackets.'

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

It drizzled today morning but that did not stop me from going Jogging. :D


El pasado.
What's your rashee ?
Pretty persuasion.
State of play.
Power blue.
The island.
The Jane Austen book club.
Micheal Clayton.

Monday, October 04, 2010


Still craving Daiquiri. But now I know where they serve it, even if the place sucks.
Mezze. ;)

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Today's the day when I can say, I'm perfectly capable of spending the rest of my life alone. :)

I'm the girl, who cannot be anybody's. :D

Yay !!
My first online clothes shopping. :D
Learning to drive. Not me.

Saturday, October 02, 2010


Do I ever get tired or what ? :|

Chinese, Chinese and more Chinese. Wow. It never ends, does it ? Lunch, dinner and whatnot, and I am never ever disappointed. Serve more, endless.

I'm very curious, about Chinese breakfast, now.
Must Google. :)

I must have been a chink in my last birth, nowonder I looked so chinky when I was a kid or those growing up days, yuck how much I hated the fact that, whenever I would smile/grin, I resembled a chink. :| :|

But the point is, Chinese food. And whenever I look at an old Chinese man, I can't help but wonder how kinky he must be, blah Idontknow. :|

Friday, October 01, 2010

There are times, I feel so much, and all, I can say is, 'I love you ?' Am I lost or something, am I tripping on something or what ?
What is it ? After that day, I can't say much, and it's been a fortnight or something ?

Does truth actually hurt so much, is it supposed to be this way ?
Whatever happened ?

But my dreams, they aren't as empty
As my conscience seems to be
I have hours, only lonely
My love is vengeance that's never free.