2008: In The Beginning
Where did you go on New Years? Park Street/home, if I remember.
Who were you with? Friends.
Did you kiss anyone at midnight? No.
Did you make any resolutions? No.
2008: Your Love Life
Did you break up with anyone? No.
Did you get anything for Valentine's day? No.
Did you meet anyone special? I keep meeting 'special' and also lose them.
Did you fall in love? Yes, all over again.
2008: Friends and Enemies
Did you meet any new friends this year? No!
Did any of your friendships end? No.
Did you dislike anyone? Obviously.
Did you make any new enemies? They are always old.
Did you resolve any fights? No.
Who was your closest friend this year? Noone, I don't generally hang out with 'new' people.
Who did you grow apart from? Noone new.
Do you have any regrets when it comes to your friendships? No.
2008: All about YOU
Did you change at all this year? I'd like to think so.
Did you dye your hair? Yes. In Feb, Z did for me.
Did you get your hair cut? Yes.
Did you change your style? No.
Were you in school? No.
Did you get good grades? N/A.
Did you have a job? Yes.
Did you drive? No.
Did you own a car? No.
Did anyone close to you give birth? No.
Did you move at all? No.
Did you go on any vacations? If going home, matters.
Did you leave the country at all? No.
Would you change anything about yourself now? Self control.
2008: Wrap Up.
Is 2008 a good year? Most definitely.
Do you think 2009 will top 2008? Yes.
I confess that in 2008 I... ('x' the brackets u have done)
(x) stayed single for the whole year
() made out in/on a car
() celebrated Halloween/Samhain
() kissed in the rain
(x) had your heart broken
() broke someone else's heart
( ) had a stalker
( ) mooned someone
(x) went over the minutes on your cell phone
(x) had a good relationship/ friendship with someone
(x ) someone questioned your sexual orientation
( ) came out of the closet
( ) got pregnant
( ) had an abortion
(x) had/have a relationship/ friendship with someone you'll never forget
() done something you've regretted
() lost faith in love
( ) kissed under mistletoe
() painted a picture
(x) wrote a poem
() ran a mile
() shopped at Hollister or Abercrombie and Fitch
( ) posted a blog on MySpace
(x) listened to music you couldn't stand
(x) went to a sleepover
() went camping
() threw a surprise party
(x) laughed till you cried
(x ) laughed till you peed in your pants
() visited a foreign country
( ) cut in a line of waiting people
(x) told someone you were busy when you weren't
() partied to celebrate the new year
() cooked a disastrous meal
() lost something/someone important to you
() lied about how old you were
() prank called someone
In 2008 I...
[x] broke a promise
[x ] fell out of love
[x] lied
[] went behind your parents back
[x] cried over a broken heart
[] disappointed someone close
[x] hid a secret
[x] pretended to be happy
[] kissed in the rain
[] slept under the stars
[ ] kept your new years resolution
[ ] forgot your new years resolution
[] met someone who changed your life
[] met one of your idols
[x] changed your outlook on life
[x] sat home all day doing nothing
[x] pretended to be sick
[] left the country
[] almost died
[] given up something important to you
[] lost something expensive
[x] learned something new about yourself
[] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
[x] made a change in your life
[x] found out who your true friends were
[] met great people
[x] stayed up until sunrise
[x] Cried over the silliest thing
[x] was never home on weekends
[] got into a car accident
[] had friends who were drifting away from you
[] had someone close to you die
[x] had a high cell phone bill
[x] spent most of your money on food
[] had a fist fight
[] went to the beach with your best friend
[] saw a celebrity
[x] got sick
[] liked more than 5 people at the same time
[x] became closer to a lot of people
With 2008 at an End, Do This and BE HONEST !
1. Have you had any relationships this year? No.
2. Have you had your birthday yet? Yes.
3. Kissed two people in the same night? No.
4. Pulled an all nighter? Yes.
5. Puked at all? Yes.
7. Went Camping? No.
8. Bought something(s)? YES!
9. Met someone special? No.
10. Been out of the country? No.
12. What are you thinking about? Where is MY self control? :X
Ten Things About Your Love Life
01. Have you ever been in love this year? Yes.
02. Do you believe in love? Obviously.
03. Why did your LAST relationship fail? N/A.
04. This year have you ever been heartbroken? Yes.
05. This year have you broken someone's heart? No.
06. This year have you ever fallen for your best friend? NO.
07. Have you loved someone but never told them? Yes.
08. Are you afraid of commitment? Yes.
01. Have you drank alcohol this year? Yes.
02. Have you smoked this year? Yes.
03. Have you done drugs this year? No.
04. Have you been kicked out of a store this year? No.
05. Have you shop lifted this year? No.
06. This year have you gotten a detention? No.
07. Have you cheated on a test this year? Yes.
08. Have you raced this year? No.
So i found you
found the way all through..
found the way all through..
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
She's got black hair
And she has got a black dress
She is pretending
That her life is a mess
But I cannot rest
With so many worries
I can't lie down
And say I am done
I live 'cause I need more light
I hope I can change today
She would never think of changing
Too much fucking emo, it's false I know
She's got black hair
And she has got a black dress
She's pretending
That her life is a mess
She stops me in the street
And asks me to follow
I would if I could
If I wouldn't mind breaking her.
Passing bird, Katatonia.
And she has got a black dress
She is pretending
That her life is a mess
But I cannot rest
With so many worries
I can't lie down
And say I am done
I live 'cause I need more light
I hope I can change today
She would never think of changing
Too much fucking emo, it's false I know
She's got black hair
And she has got a black dress
She's pretending
That her life is a mess
She stops me in the street
And asks me to follow
I would if I could
If I wouldn't mind breaking her.
Passing bird, Katatonia.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Hmm, so I was lazing around the house roaming clueless on Thursday when I got a text saying, I'm reaching Bangalore tomorrow, when can I meet you?. The answer to that was, anytime anyday. :)
Best post Christmas surprise gift EVER!!!
2 Years and history repeats itself. :P But this time around I'm THE one in Bangalore. Heh. ;)
How a simple turn of an event on 24th of December' 06, almost changed our lives. :)
Best post Christmas surprise gift EVER!!!
2 Years and history repeats itself. :P But this time around I'm THE one in Bangalore. Heh. ;)
How a simple turn of an event on 24th of December' 06, almost changed our lives. :)
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I'm always supposed to have good days.
And when others are not, then I am the one who should be understanding. This is bloody hilarious, that I have to pretend to be what I am not in front of my friends.
I'm not supposed to be acting cribby
I'm not supposed to be insecure
I'm always supposed to have good days
I'm always supposed to be understanding.
They hit below the belt and then they say it's not personal. Of course it's not personal, it's never personal, then why talk, can you just not excuse yourself when you are in a bad mood?
I can. I'm always careful about what I say to people, and especially friends.
Blah, this isn't about you, Satan.
Not even about Rich and the giant.
I feel the tension.. all the time, and then you say, you ain't pissed off. You are beginning to sound more and more like the one I hate.
And when others are not, then I am the one who should be understanding. This is bloody hilarious, that I have to pretend to be what I am not in front of my friends.
I'm not supposed to be acting cribby
I'm not supposed to be insecure
I'm always supposed to have good days
I'm always supposed to be understanding.
They hit below the belt and then they say it's not personal. Of course it's not personal, it's never personal, then why talk, can you just not excuse yourself when you are in a bad mood?
I can. I'm always careful about what I say to people, and especially friends.
Blah, this isn't about you, Satan.
Not even about Rich and the giant.
I feel the tension.. all the time, and then you say, you ain't pissed off. You are beginning to sound more and more like the one I hate.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Ha fucking ha
Saturday, December 20, 2008

The retards at two o'clock in the morning, when the last thing on your mind is sleep. :)
But but on a very very annoying note, I've removed people off Orkut, the keywords are 'I removed,' I've changed my blog url so that, they don't follow me around.. but in the world of too many mutual friends, you have a hard life to lead, and people always track you down and blame you for writing a post or two about them. Big fucking deal, eh? Obsession isn't the right word. I'm just disgusted, I guess it doesn't come across as disgusting, people get hold of MY friends, and then bitch about me to them, and then think I don't know whats going on, and blame me for my obsession. I say look at yourself, look hard and you'll know, where you stand. Easy to understand, DON'T FUCKING TALK ABOUT ME, DON'T FUCKING READ MY BLOG AS IF IT'S YOUR BIBLE, AND LAST BUT NOT THE LEAST, GET OVER ME, IT'S HIGH TIME.
Oh and I'm perfectly happy here, I work and I EVEN have a lot of time to waste, so what, if you are interested go ride on a li'l finger and then think twice and talk, especially when it concerns me.
And for billionth time, Satan this post is NOT about you.
Leave ME alone, argh!
PS: I have nothing to do with you (not Satan) and anyone in your circle, isn't it obvious????
Friday, December 19, 2008
Barely slept for three hours last night and to consider it was my off. Got a phone call around late eveningish, which made me go down on my knees and cry. Called a friend also and cried. :(
I cannot handle deaths, and I do not know how this is going to be. I don't want '87, '97 and '98 to be repeated, I'm still young. I fight and I talk shite, and I say I've seen the world and have grown up a lot, but when I think about 'that,' I'm very much an inexperienced kid. :(
Whenever I fight, I shudder to think, it'll be the last. I shudder to think, every call I make, will be the last. I shudder to think the world without you. I'm just plain scared. Really scared. If I haven't lost this battle, that is because you are with me, I love you. :( :(
I cannot continue, if you ain't with me. It's too early. Who am I going to experience my first timers with? I'm yet to have so many first timers. You've taught me so many things. 10th June' 91, still makes me cry. I miss you Gubli, Gubli stuck on right? So many names, so many things. So many fights, so many stories, so many laughter, so many lessons, we've learnt together.
When they were taking my away dad, I was standing up on the choto jaanla, cried and asked everyone where they were taking him. :( Daddy. From thereon, whenever we'd have Open house/PTM, I'd see everyone's dad and think where is mine, but then you'd come along and I'd forget him in an instant and come running up to you, and smother ye with kisses, I'd never have a dad complex. I don't want to feel that feeling ever again. I see no light, no path, I feel directionless without you. Despite all the arguments, I've always admired you, because you are one person who has lived up to everyone's expectations. :)
I cannot handle deaths, and I do not know how this is going to be. I don't want '87, '97 and '98 to be repeated, I'm still young. I fight and I talk shite, and I say I've seen the world and have grown up a lot, but when I think about 'that,' I'm very much an inexperienced kid. :(
Whenever I fight, I shudder to think, it'll be the last. I shudder to think, every call I make, will be the last. I shudder to think the world without you. I'm just plain scared. Really scared. If I haven't lost this battle, that is because you are with me, I love you. :( :(
I cannot continue, if you ain't with me. It's too early. Who am I going to experience my first timers with? I'm yet to have so many first timers. You've taught me so many things. 10th June' 91, still makes me cry. I miss you Gubli, Gubli stuck on right? So many names, so many things. So many fights, so many stories, so many laughter, so many lessons, we've learnt together.
When they were taking my away dad, I was standing up on the choto jaanla, cried and asked everyone where they were taking him. :( Daddy. From thereon, whenever we'd have Open house/PTM, I'd see everyone's dad and think where is mine, but then you'd come along and I'd forget him in an instant and come running up to you, and smother ye with kisses, I'd never have a dad complex. I don't want to feel that feeling ever again. I see no light, no path, I feel directionless without you. Despite all the arguments, I've always admired you, because you are one person who has lived up to everyone's expectations. :)
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Hmmmmm.. *scratches chin*
We read each others' blog. So fucking, what?! I read a lot of people's blog.
Impossible to get over myself, as someone recently mentioned, Apparently I'm too full of myself, and this guy, isn't even a friend. Gak.
Conclusions, hmm.
Who says, you ain't allowed to think of the person you hate? Where is it written? Infact, keep your enemies the closest. Always :)
We read each others' blog. So fucking, what?! I read a lot of people's blog.
Impossible to get over myself, as someone recently mentioned, Apparently I'm too full of myself, and this guy, isn't even a friend. Gak.
Conclusions, hmm.
Who says, you ain't allowed to think of the person you hate? Where is it written? Infact, keep your enemies the closest. Always :)
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Guha is back in town and I shall meet him most probably on Thursday. :) I thought I'd miss him and PM at work, but luckily, I didnot. I have stopped missing people, actually I've just realized, it's not the people I miss, it's the things that I've done with them, that I miss.
December is the month I feel very nostalgic about, at least I've started to. I was suddenly thinking about a funny incident with KK and the others in '04. :) I dont even know why I thought about KK.
Well lessons learnt, good or for that matter bad things should never be forgotten about.
But, now I'm wondering, what is Rich's clothes, that too a bag full of clothes, doing in Shion Guha's room. Khek khek khek.
More suspense, later.
I have work.. and I need to shleeeeeeeeeeep. :P
December is the month I feel very nostalgic about, at least I've started to. I was suddenly thinking about a funny incident with KK and the others in '04. :) I dont even know why I thought about KK.
Well lessons learnt, good or for that matter bad things should never be forgotten about.
But, now I'm wondering, what is Rich's clothes, that too a bag full of clothes, doing in Shion Guha's room. Khek khek khek.
More suspense, later.
I have work.. and I need to shleeeeeeeeeeep. :P
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The difference between my space and yours..
The Dev and I agree, some things work long distance better. :) And I agree of course. I need MY space, totally. I hate people and absolutely anyone, who refuses to give me my space. I give people more than they deserve, I give them their space, I don't harass them with stuff, I keep to myself, I like doing my own thing, I'm a people pleaser, yet I know where to draw the line, but some people. Gah. He says I should never ignore someone, but there is no other way, I do NOT have the ability to say NO to someone's face, and some people just don't get the drift.
What about the vibes? Vibes travel long distance too. I know it does. Why don't people get the fact that I don't like talking too much, unless the person is my kinda person. I absolutely hate small talks, like hi, how was your day, do you miss me, do you love me, I wish you were here, I miss you, all said by different people.
Okay, don't get me wrong, I like it, but not very often, not every day. It sounds very clingy, and I'm not a very clingy person, not by nature at the least. Not very long ago, I was with this person, and this one flirted with almost everyone, and even though I liked the person, I kept my distance, and then she'd come and ask, whether I cared or not, whether she flirted or not. What in the bloody hell is that? I think it's a pathetic way to seek my attention. I look, I notice stuff. I observe. I'm always looking, even if it's not very evident. I don't make things evident. I'm a supressor, (sp?) now, go suck on that.
I rest here.
What about the vibes? Vibes travel long distance too. I know it does. Why don't people get the fact that I don't like talking too much, unless the person is my kinda person. I absolutely hate small talks, like hi, how was your day, do you miss me, do you love me, I wish you were here, I miss you, all said by different people.
Okay, don't get me wrong, I like it, but not very often, not every day. It sounds very clingy, and I'm not a very clingy person, not by nature at the least. Not very long ago, I was with this person, and this one flirted with almost everyone, and even though I liked the person, I kept my distance, and then she'd come and ask, whether I cared or not, whether she flirted or not. What in the bloody hell is that? I think it's a pathetic way to seek my attention. I look, I notice stuff. I observe. I'm always looking, even if it's not very evident. I don't make things evident. I'm a supressor, (sp?) now, go suck on that.
I rest here.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
I hate getting felt up. It gives me the goosebumps. Thoooooooooooooooooo. :( Middle of the year, I'd gone out with Steve for a movie to PVR, The Happening, I think. There was this security check for both and men and women, and this girl, rather ugly, actually who cares, ugly or hot, stranger nonetheless. Yes, so this girl touches me all of the place, and brought her face closer to mine and smiled, and I made a run for my life.
Outside I told Steve about it, he laughed his ass off and said he should have been around to watch the fun. Ugh. Then it happened again in the Calcutta airport. Haha, Rich and I were queing (sp?) up, I was the first. She gave me a slight push and said enjoy, she said enjoy because she knew about the PVR incident. The woman on the other side of the curtain, ran the metal detector all over my body, then she rubbed her hand all over my erm, boobs, and I got down hurridely and saw Rich on the other side. Shit, whatta an experience.
I absolutely HATE getting felt up. Blah.
On a nicer note, the other day, there was a cab strike, and I came home early morning at 7.
Got into a bus from Whitefield alone, (YAY) and got dropped near the Apple store/CCD 9th block. Finally. :D
Then walked to the RV Dental college, had chai with sutta and then walked it home. It felt nice. Sometimes one needs to do things, alone. :D
Outside I told Steve about it, he laughed his ass off and said he should have been around to watch the fun. Ugh. Then it happened again in the Calcutta airport. Haha, Rich and I were queing (sp?) up, I was the first. She gave me a slight push and said enjoy, she said enjoy because she knew about the PVR incident. The woman on the other side of the curtain, ran the metal detector all over my body, then she rubbed her hand all over my erm, boobs, and I got down hurridely and saw Rich on the other side. Shit, whatta an experience.
I absolutely HATE getting felt up. Blah.
On a nicer note, the other day, there was a cab strike, and I came home early morning at 7.
Got into a bus from Whitefield alone, (YAY) and got dropped near the Apple store/CCD 9th block. Finally. :D
Then walked to the RV Dental college, had chai with sutta and then walked it home. It felt nice. Sometimes one needs to do things, alone. :D
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Some people have so much to say to each other. I don't.
Some people have so much to write to each other about. I don't.
Some people believe in 'unsaids.' I don't.
Some people believe in love, true love. I don't.
Some people fall in love with their best friend. I did NOT, I would NOT,
Some people just get the people, that they've always loved, even if it means, they have to wait for decades. I don't.
I think, I am going crazy.
Doesn't feel the same anymore.
Trin feels way too deep.
Some people have so much to write to each other about. I don't.
Some people believe in 'unsaids.' I don't.
Some people believe in love, true love. I don't.
Some people fall in love with their best friend. I did NOT, I would NOT,
Some people just get the people, that they've always loved, even if it means, they have to wait for decades. I don't.
I think, I am going crazy.
Doesn't feel the same anymore.
Trin feels way too deep.
Friday, December 05, 2008
What's the point in sitting and blogging something at the comfort of your room and shooting your mouth off?
Whatever that happened in Mumbai and whatever else is happening all around, it didn't need to happen. I did not blog about it, because I'm way too lazy to go out there and do anything at all, and neither will I blog.
Who in the fuck's sake, they think they are, they have no right to sit and blog, join ten thousand communities, and protest. Well, listen to this, your voices go unheard anyway, it doesn't make a differennce to what you say, as long as you don't go out there and help. Think different you stupid pimpy freaks.
Absolutely bullshit, I'm way too ticked off to say anything more. Jesus, for the sake of humanity, and for the sake of your own sanity. SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Whatever that happened in Mumbai and whatever else is happening all around, it didn't need to happen. I did not blog about it, because I'm way too lazy to go out there and do anything at all, and neither will I blog.
Who in the fuck's sake, they think they are, they have no right to sit and blog, join ten thousand communities, and protest. Well, listen to this, your voices go unheard anyway, it doesn't make a differennce to what you say, as long as you don't go out there and help. Think different you stupid pimpy freaks.
Absolutely bullshit, I'm way too ticked off to say anything more. Jesus, for the sake of humanity, and for the sake of your own sanity. SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Monday, December 01, 2008
Okay, so I was just going through random blogs, and when I came across this one. (I check this one quite often, this one humours me like no one other)
Yes, so my whole point is, how can someone be so blind to not know, when she looks utterly gross? I mean what in the bloody hell was that. I'm still feeling so constipated looking at that picture. I mean, dudette grow up, isn't it high time? LOL. I guess not, not for you at least.
We all have bad photography days, I DO. :) But I don't put up pictures like that on the internet. I would be absolutely dead getting caught like that, abslutely UGH.
Ah well, it is hilariou. I almost fell off the chair when I saw that picture, showed it to my best friend, we laughed at it. What else can be done? Gak!
Some people just never learn. :D
Gotta run to work. Early shift.
Yes, so my whole point is, how can someone be so blind to not know, when she looks utterly gross? I mean what in the bloody hell was that. I'm still feeling so constipated looking at that picture. I mean, dudette grow up, isn't it high time? LOL. I guess not, not for you at least.
We all have bad photography days, I DO. :) But I don't put up pictures like that on the internet. I would be absolutely dead getting caught like that, abslutely UGH.
Ah well, it is hilariou. I almost fell off the chair when I saw that picture, showed it to my best friend, we laughed at it. What else can be done? Gak!
Some people just never learn. :D
Gotta run to work. Early shift.
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