first name: Trina.
single or taken: Single.
sex: Female
birthday: September 15th.
siblings: One.
hair colour: Black.
shoe size: between 4 and 5.
height: 5'2".
innie or outie: -.
what are you wearing right now: Black T shirt and red 3/4th.
righty or lefty: Righty.
can you make a dollar in change right now: I have exactly fifty bucks on me, will that do?
who are your closest friends? Rich, Zom, Guha, Debo, Sambit and Sani. Others are close but not as close as them. (So please, no offence)
do you have a BF or GF? No.
best place to go for a date: Coffee joint.
favourite place to shop: Brigade, Forum, Marathalli (All in Bangalore).
favourite colour: Black and Maroon.
number(s): 6, always.
animal: Dogs.
drink: Beer.
sport(s): Not at the moment.
fast food place(s): Bake 'n' sip and Kebab Magic.
month: September.
current movie: Want to see 'Fashion,' 'Changeling,' 'Let the right on in' and 'The curious case of Benjamin Button.' Saw 'Midnight meat train' and 'PS: I love you.'
juice: Pineapple.
finger: The middle one.
breakfast: English or Australian breakfast.
favourite cartoon character(s): Tom and Jerry.
have you ever:
given anyone a bath? Yes.
smoked? Yes.
bungee-jumped? No.
made yourself throw up? No.
gone skinny dipping? No.
eaten a hot dog? Yes.
put your tongue on a frozen pole? No.
loved someone so much it made you cry? Yes.
broken a bone? Yes.
played truth-or-dare? Yes.
been in a police car? When I was a kid, yes.
been on a plane? Yes.
been in a sauna? No.
been in a hot tub? No.
gone swimming in the ocean? No.
fallen asleep in school? No.
ran away? From?
broken someone's heart? I think so.
cried when someone died? Yes.
cried in school? Yes.
fallen off your chair? Yes.
sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call? Yes.
saved e-mails? All the time.
fallen for one of your best friends? No, because the moment I fall, that person doesn't remain my best friend, anymore. The answer is, only once. Big mistake. Never again.
made out with JUST a friend? You can say, yes.
used someone? Not deliberately.
been cheated on? Ofcourse.
what is...
your good luck charm? I have. Not naming..
the best song you ever heard? Keeps changing, at the mo' it's 'One Love' by U2.
the stupidest thing you have ever done? Flipped for someone, disgusting.
what's your room like? Clean, Rich keeps it clean. :)
the last thing you said? Guhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (on the phone to someone else)
what is beside you? Two cellfones, speakers, Bottle of water and one spare monitor.
the last thing you ate? Paneer Makhani.
what kind of shampoo do you use? At the mo' Garnier.
the best thing that has happened to you this year? Friends, good food and losing disgusting people.
the worst thing that has happened to you this year? Chicken pox.
have you had..
chicken pox? Yes (What do you think, I'm doing at home right now)
sore throat? Yes.
stitches? Yes.
broken nose? No.
do you
believe in love at first sight? No, please.
like school? Loved it.
would you/what is
if you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you? Good food, and MY friends. Just that, and some good looking people to lech at.
who was the last person that called you? Rich.
who was the last person you slow-danced with? Been a long time, since I slow danced.
what makes you laugh the most? Rich, Guha and his continous bitching.
what makes you smile? Unexpected text messages!
who is the last person
you yelled at? SB on chat.
who broke your heart? Noone.
who told you they loved you? Two people. One on phone one on chat.
who is your loudest friend? I ABOSUTELY DETESTE LOUD PEOPLE. Soumya, and she is not MY friend. (Got it off, my chest)
do you/are you:
do you like filling these out? Yes, good time pass.
do you wear glasses or contacts? No.
do you like yourself? I love myself. Period.
do you get along with your family? Mum, yes.
stolen anything over $50? After the converation, NO.
obsessive? Yes.
compulsive? Yes.
anorexic? No.
suicidal? No, please.
schizophrenic? No.
love life
do you have a crush? Yes. Two people, or three.
if so, does he or she know? No.
have you truly told him or her how you feel, face to face? Noway.
how did he or she respond? N/A
what is so great about him or her? Smile, the way they talk and respond. :)
this or that
coffee or tea: Coffee.
phone or in person: Depends, totally.
are you oldest, middle, youngest or only child: Only one.
indoor or outdoor: Depends, again.
final questions
how many people are you sending this to: Noone, I got it off a blog.
what are you listening to right now? 'One love' on loop, 'Lift' and 'Picture perfect, pathetic.'
what did you do yesterday? Phone conferenced with 5 people for one and a half hours, bitched our hearts out. Best thing, new thing.
where do you want to get married? Who knows?
if you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? To stop trusting disgusting people. I usually feel pity for them, and become good friends, must stop.
are you a good driver? Yes.
are you a good singer? Nope.
what do you dream about? My dreams are usually very broken. :|